Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thought for The Day - A Long and Full Journey

A Thousand Miles in a day...

No color, no sound; then a rush of subdued grays, a muted light filtering through the window. A long power driven whoosh of a motorcycle riding by. The warm feeling of the bed under the left side of my body from shoulder to feet and pulling back the bed spread to rise...

Mid day, bright sunlight, music from my headphones mixing with the sound of cars driving by. Each step taken, leaving the building for a rejuvenating walk, faces are met, perhaps a nod, a slight smile. Faces I've never seen before and may never see again. In groups of twos or threes, others out for a walk to lunch, more about the conversation than filling the stomach, but a blend of both. The pavement is uneven in spots and my feet slowly adjust to the unevenness. Slowly, I increase my step to force muscles, tendon and bones to work out a morning of sitting too much. Body begins to warm and before long the water runs from the right side of my forehead...

...It's another day's journey and in it, I've observed, words, thoughts, impressions and suppositions.

...A Thousand Miles is only a fraction of the journey...

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