Saturday, June 28, 2014

Thought for The Day - Hobbies, Jobs, Careers and Calling

Something to do, places to be...

Most would agree, one doesn't expect to earn money from a hobby; its something done in spare time. A Saturday morning fishing trip is not the opportunity to earn money and watching model trains run across tracks isn't the means to pay the bills.

A job pays the bills! I remember my first pay check and the feelings I had before I got it! At 15, a summer job was an opportunity to earn a little change for my pocket and Burger King was hiring. I didn't know about Federal and state payroll deductions and FICA and Medicare wasn't a thought. So when the check was put in my hand and I tore open the envelope, I was very disappointed! Needless to say, I have learned over the years, that's how it is!

Career; I guess that would have been interesting if I had followed that path. As a kid, there were three possible directions I wanted to go: scientist, artist or business owner. I had a pastor who always talked about owning a neighborhood grocery store. The idea always gave me a sense of having your own and watching the morning rush hour as a kid, even then I wanted to have a bit more control over my morning.

As I reached the adult years, a career as an artist seemed to be my destiny. Except I wasn't winning awards or showing in galleries. Knowing what I do now, I should have taken that teaching assistant position one of my first college professors offered. The exposure to art professionals would have guided my path so much better! At least I would like to think so...

The overarching direction of one's life is determined by your "calling." For the religious types, the narrowly visioned types, "calling" is larger than a pastor or preacher. I know I thought that was the only meaning possible, especially since those seemed to be in my life. However, 22 years after "responding" to that prompting, I am no closer to understanding the purpose of my life. It's not to say I haven't enjoyed some of the twists and turns, the job, hobbies and opportunities to share the good news of the gospel. But it's been a long journey. And there are times I'm not sure I am on the right path...

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