Monday, June 23, 2014

Thought for The Day - Channel

Or this vessel...

This vehicle...

This portal...

This life, these moments we have here on earth...We concern ourselves with wasted time, "missed opportunities" and using our time wisely. We should be concerned, but also mindful of our capability. Our abilities really are limitless! And when we consider that one way or another, we are completing the "mission" of our lives, it should take the pressure off, just a bit!

You know, there isn't a day goes by, I don't want to be in "the studio." And yet, I don't schedule the time, don't carve out an hour or so a day to devote to my love. I have questioned my devotion for many years and ridiculed myself enough to give "me" a nervous condition. But when I consider in between the heartaches, the moments of grief, I produce WONDERFUL work, it takes the pressure off.

I use this 'medium' to send a message to who ever will read and see it. Many days, I sit in front of the screen and it isn't a shortage of ideas and words that would prevent me. It is the glut of ideas and inspiration that floods the channel. The equivalent is as if you had a thousand channels on your cable or satellite television and all of it was forced through at one time.

I don't have a large audience, but for a few minutes a day, I have your attention...

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