Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thought for The Day - It Starts with Me

Pretty Seed - 9 x 12 Pastels

Of course, we all want the world to change for the better. We want the politicians to stop playing games with our tax money, we want to earn more money - whether working for ourselves or working for 'the man' - and we want better education and healthy choices for food. We want our neighbors to care more for their yards and the guy in traffic weaving in and out of it, to realize he isn't the only out here.


It starts with me.

I could picket, preach, join this organization, write letters to my congressman, sign an electronic petition on my company's behalf calling for the congress to act like adults...


It starts with me.

When I, each day, make choices to care about me, take action to bolster those thoughts, I change the world. When I sit in front of this computer, sharing my insights, a willingness to be known by words and images, I slowly change the direction of the world. When I model and teach behavior that is kind and considerate to others, when my children see me helping them and going out of my way to help others, I am changing the world.

It starts with me.

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