Monday, October 28, 2013

Thought for The Day - A Thousand Days

Shaken Up! 8 x 11 pencils

Mile markers on the path...

In a given day, any day, any part of the day, a thousand themes and subjects run through my head. I could post endlessly. Sometimes people come to mind, I see their faces, guess at their 'situation' (not all of them negative or difficult; just where they are at this point in their life - or could or should be) and more subjects and themes come to mind. No question or doubt what to say, just not enough time in a day...would you hear me if I told you what I thought you?

A thousand...

Points of light

Connected dots

Lines in the sand

A blessing and a curse, this sensitivity. I'm a listener and giver. I hear your pain, wish to heal, but...

I could reach across miles, whisper a word, run a gentle finger across your cheek, wipe a tear from your eye...

Speak of success, soothe a failure, sit with a loss

Words, images...for you and me.

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