Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Insight, Intuition and a Sledge Hammer!

Some days insight comes in like a 10 lbs. sledge hammer, slamming in my head like a huge bell. Clarity, an explanation, a warning or just a gentle ‘hello.’ Then there are times when I know I’m being told something, but it is more like a cloud or the image of the Virgin Mary in a chip; not everyone would understand, and if I told it to others they would smile and nod, but they wouldn’t get it. Regardless, communication, a language and words, have been passed.

Response; there are times when I allow myself to swim in it like a huge ocean. I allow the waves of consciousness and revelation to engulf me, fill my being and to find myself in the sea of ecstasy. There are times when I move with purpose in response, words find there way to the surface or images find their way to paper. Plans are made, “Google” searches done, or I tug at the ears of friends, family and anyone who will listen.

I’m speaking of insight and intuition. I know we all have it I’m just not sure we respond to it. Trained from the time we could comprehend ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ we expect knowledge to come through books, a well meaning authority figure or even someone who means us harm. Rarely do we listen to those whispers, which “pop” in our head that doesn’t spell out an answer like a textbook. But insight can easily be ignored if it is nurtured, disciplined and acted on. For me spending years choosing to be bound by the perceived needs of supporting family, I nurtured a dream. That dream now makes itself evident through my writing, artistry and counseling. Insight and intuition are skills and talents available to everyone if we will practice and perfect it.


  1. You are a deep thinker Eddie! I suppose in response to listening for 'his words' For me its when action becomes 'imperative' and also, not to be ignored, when someone else clearly has received words, and the best you can do is support them. For example, my Wife had spoken to her Mum and learned that an old friend of hers was very ill. My wife next day couldnt get out of her mind she should do something, then it came to her she should accompany her mum on (quite a long) Journey to visit this friend. It was an answer to prayer for her Mum, who didnt want to ask! My part is that I am able to support and encourage her caring. I think we are all 'whispered to' at times, you just have to be alert to it.
    (ROy from 48days net

  2. Roy, thanks for the encouragement! Sorry I'm only seeing this now. I agree; act on the words as they come. I'm finding at this point, while there isn't a lull in creativity, just gathering my creative tools in other ways. So insight remains a vital part of my daily sustenance but currently the focus is on listening for the broader messages. How I can user thise same insight in all areas of my life. thanks again.
